0.0003 |
SELECT GET_LOCK('2ld1eon67jai9r3vijaensmp6sf4hn04', 300) AS ci_session_lock
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SELECT `data` FROM `ci_sessions` WHERE `id` = '2ld1eon67jai9r3vijaensmp6sf4hn04'
0.0007 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_settings`
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SELECT * FROM `inu_file` WHERE `file_category` = 'site_og' ORDER BY `file_order` asc, `file_regdate` asc, `file_order` asc, `file_orig_name` asc
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SELECT * FROM `inu_page` WHERE `page_id` = 'default' AND `page_group` = 'zh'
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0.0002 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `inu_board_category` WHERE `bcat_bd_idx` = 1 AND `bcat_status` = 1
0.0002 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board_category` WHERE `bcat_bd_idx` = 1 AND `bcat_status` = 1 ORDER BY `bcat_order` ASC LIMIT 10
0.0002 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_file` WHERE `file_category` LIKE '%bcat!_list%' ESCAPE '!' AND `file_foreign_idx` IN('98', '99', '115', '116') ORDER BY `file_order` asc, `file_regdate` asc
0.0002 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_file` WHERE `file_category` LIKE '%bcat%' ESCAPE '!' AND `file_foreign_idx` IN('98', '99', '115', '116') ORDER BY `file_order` asc, `file_regdate` asc
0.0007 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board_selected_category` LEFT JOIN `inu_board_category` ON `bscat_bcat_id`=`bcat_id` WHERE `bcat_bd_idx` = '1' AND `bscat_bc_idx` = '1359'
0.0007 |
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `inu_board_content`
0.0008 |
SELECT *, IF( bc_json IS NULL or bc_json = '', '', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(bc_json, '$.add_test')) ) AS bc_data_add_test FROM `inu_board_content` LEFT JOIN `inu_board` ON `bc_bd_idx`=`bd_idx` WHERE `bc_bd_idx` = 1 AND `bc_idx` = 1359 AND `bc_status` >0
0.0005 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_file` WHERE `file_category` LIKE '%bc%' ESCAPE '!' AND `file_foreign_idx` = '1359' ORDER BY `file_order` asc, `file_regdate` asc
0.0003 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_file` WHERE `file_foreign_idx` = '1359' AND `file_category` LIKE '%bc!_list%' ESCAPE '!' ORDER BY `file_order` asc, `file_regdate` asc
0.0016 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_comment` LEFT JOIN `inu_member` ON `cmnt_mem_idx`=`mem_idx` WHERE `cmnt_category` = 'bc' AND `cmnt_foreign_idx` = '1359' AND `cmnt_status` >0 ORDER BY `cmnt_regdate` DESC, `cmnt_idx` DESC
0.0004 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board_tag` LEFT JOIN `inu_board_selected_tag` ON `btagsel_btag_idx`=`btag_idx` WHERE `btagsel_bc_idx` = '1359' ORDER BY `btagsel_order`
0.0007 |
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `inu_board_content`
0.0023 |
UPDATE `inu_board_content` SET bc_count = bc_count+1 WHERE `bc_idx` = '1359'
0.0014 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board_content` LEFT JOIN `inu_board_selected_category` ON `bc_idx` = `bscat_bc_idx` WHERE `bc_bd_idx` = '1' AND `bc_idx` != '1359' AND `bc_status` >0 AND `bc_status` < 7 AND `bscat_bcat_id` = 'c1' AND (`bscat_order` <0 OR (`bscat_order` =0 AND bc_regdate >= '2024-12-12 11:05:28')) GROUP BY `bc_idx`, `bscat_idx` ORDER BY `bc_order` DESC, `bc_regdate` ASC
0.0027 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board_content` LEFT JOIN `inu_board_selected_category` ON `bc_idx` = `bscat_bc_idx` WHERE `bc_bd_idx` = '1' AND `bc_idx` != '1359' AND `bc_status` >0 AND `bc_status` < 7 AND `bscat_bcat_id` = 'c1' AND (`bscat_order` >0 OR (`bscat_order` =0 AND bc_regdate <= '2024-12-12 11:05:28')) GROUP BY `bc_idx`, `bscat_idx` ORDER BY `bc_order` ASC, `bc_regdate` DESC
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SELECT * FROM `inu_board` WHERE `bd_idx` = '1'
0.0005 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_popup` WHERE `popup_page_idx` = '184' AND `popup_status` = 1 AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`popup_start_date`) =0 OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`popup_end_date`) =0 OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`popup_start_date`) IS NULL OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`popup_end_date`) IS NULL OR now() between `popup_start_date` and DATE_ADD(popup_end_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) )
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SELECT * FROM `inu_page` WHERE `page_group` = 'zh' AND `page_menu_status` = 1 ORDER BY `page_order`
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SELECT MAX(`gcat_depth`) AS `gcat_depth` FROM `inu_goods_category`
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SELECT `t1`.`gcat_idx` as `t1_gcat_idx`, `t2`.`gcat_idx` as `t2_gcat_idx`, `t3`.`gcat_idx` as `t3_gcat_idx`, `t4`.`gcat_idx` as `t4_gcat_idx`, `t1`.`gcat_title` as `t1_gcat_title`, `t2`.`gcat_title` as `t2_gcat_title`, `t3`.`gcat_title` as `t3_gcat_title`, `t4`.`gcat_title` as `t4_gcat_title`, `t1`.`gcat_depth` as `t1_gcat_depth`, `t2`.`gcat_depth` as `t2_gcat_depth`, `t3`.`gcat_depth` as `t3_gcat_depth`, `t4`.`gcat_depth` as `t4_gcat_depth` FROM `inu_goods_category` as `t1` LEFT JOIN `inu_goods_category` as `t2` ON `t2`.`gcat_parent` = `t1`.`gcat_idx` LEFT JOIN `inu_goods_category` as `t3` ON `t3`.`gcat_parent` = `t2`.`gcat_idx` LEFT JOIN `inu_goods_category` as `t4` ON `t4`.`gcat_parent` = `t3`.`gcat_idx` WHERE `t1`.`gcat_parent` =0 ORDER BY `t1`.`gcat_order` ASC, `t2`.`gcat_order` ASC, `t3`.`gcat_order` ASC, `t4`.`gcat_order` ASC
0.0007 |
SELECT * FROM `inu_board` WHERE `bd_idx` = '1'